Study Finds Poor Collaboration Costs 25 Billion Work Hours Annually

AI is saving 12% of our time, but many people still don't use it regularly.

Fortune 500 companies are losing a staggering 25 billion hours each year due to ineffective collaboration—a startling revelation from a recent study involving employees and executives. This study also suggests that less than a quarter of their teams' time is dedicated to essential tasks.

The impact of AI tools on productivity was a key focus of the report, revealing that only half of the participants reported using AI weekly.

Study Finds Poor Collaboration Costs 25 Billion Work Hours Annually

Teamwork Doesn’t Always Make the Dream Work

Teamwork isn't always the key to success, as highlighted in Atlassian's State of Teams report. This survey, which involved 5,000 knowledge workers and 100 Fortune 500 executives, focused on team collaboration.

The findings revealed a common sentiment among respondents: despite being busier than ever, they're achieving less. A striking 93 out of 100 executives agreed that their teams could accomplish the same results in half the time if they collaborated more effectively.

Furthermore, these executives estimated that only 24% of their teams are engaged in mission-critical work. This inefficiency in collaboration amounted to a staggering 25 billion wasted work hours annually.

Wasted Time

In examining wasted work hours, the study delved into why knowledge workers believe their teams are inefficient. Their responses were telling:

  • 65% pointed to quickly responding to messages instead of focusing on top priorities.

  • 64% felt pulled in too many directions.

  • 56% noted differences in how teams within the company operate.

  • 55% struggled to locate necessary information.

  • 50% spent excessive time in unproductive meetings rather than advancing critical tasks.

  • 50% faced overlapping efforts from multiple teams on the same project.

Given that another recent study found eligible employees spending 2.2 days per week working remotely, these findings underscore the critical need for businesses to prioritize effective remote collaboration.

AI's Potential: Effective Yet Underutilized

The study highlighted AI's potential to boost productivity significantly.

It revealed that executives leveraging AI enjoy 12% more time focusing on business priorities and 19% more time collaborating with their teams. Teams integrating AI regularly are 1.8 times more likely to achieve clarity on their goals and more than twice as likely to streamline knowledge access.

Surprisingly, only half of the surveyed workers and executives reported using AI weekly, despite widespread recognition (79% of executives and 63% of workers) of its importance. Many expressed uncertainty about integrating AI effectively into their daily tasks.

Focusing on Meaningful Work

In addition to its findings, Atlassian outlined key areas where businesses can enhance collaboration effectiveness.

Innovative teams prioritize high-impact tasks over short-term achievements. They consistently ask themselves, 'Will our work advance crucial goals when we reflect back in a year or at the quarter's end?'" – Atlassian State of Teams 2024

To ensure teams stay focused on the right objectives, Atlassian recommends setting clear goals, making them visible to all team members, and establishing routines that clarify priorities.

To drive progress, business leaders should align calendars with these priorities, conduct more purposeful meetings, and use video updates instead of additional meetings.

Moreover, integrating AI and improving documentation quality will facilitate easier knowledge access across the organization.