My Journey to 900,000 Social Media Followers Revealed (Or Not)

Mere adherence to best practices won't secure social media stardom; despite a plethora of enhancement suggestions, achieving success remains an elusive pursuit.

In April 2013, I took a leap of faith and launched a Tumblr dedicated to 70s science fiction art. With no social or mobile presence, lacking marketing expertise, and flying under the radar, I ventured into uncharted territory.

Fast forward to today, and 70s Sci-Fi Art boasts a thriving community of over 350,000 followers. Around the same time, I introduced my art book, "Worlds Beyond Time," exploring retro science fiction book cover illustration. Across my social media landscape, I'm steadily approaching the million-follower mark, currently hovering around 900,000.

As platforms like Twitter and X experience declining engagement, many of us entrenched in internet culture are reassessing our social media strategies. Instead of succumbing to the endless cycle of doom-scrolling and algorithmic bombardment, there's an alternative path: embracing a quieter platform like Tumblr, nurturing genuine connections in a more serene, sustainable environment.

My Journey to 900,000 Social Media Followers Revealed (Or Not)

Flashback to the Mid-2010s: Another Era in Social Media

Back in 2015, the journey of 70s Sci-Fi Art reached a significant milestone, hitting 50,000 followers after two years of steady growth. Surprisingly, amidst the buzz of the time, Tumblr emerged as the hottest social network of the year, a fact often overshadowed.

Consider the impressive stats: By January 3rd, 2015, Tumblr had surpassed 100 billion posts, serving as Buzzfeed's primary content source (who could forget "The Dress" from 2015, courtesy of Tumblr?), attracting a youthful audience, with over 70% falling into the coveted 16–34 age bracket.

Despite Tumblr's undeniable value, it remained overshadowed by brands fixated on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, and Instagram. The platform's insularity presented a challenge: while launching a Tumblr blog was easy, gaining followers proved daunting. There were no shortcuts; users had to rely on chance encounters or engagement with other users, a process steeped in uncertainty.

While consistent and high-quality content could fuel growth, progress on Tumblr unfolded at a slower pace, characterized by numerous small niches rather than sprawling blogs.

Although some specialized Tumblrs experienced rapid growth, achieving a trajectory from zero to 50,000 followers in two years remained a rare accomplishment. While Tumblr doesn't disclose individual blog statistics, anecdotal evidence suggests that crossing the 1,000-follower mark typically requires years of dedication.

Tumblr's lack of traffic-driving mechanisms deterred marketing experts. But fast forward to 2023, amidst the fatigue of endless news feeds, Tumblr's insular nature evolved from a drawback to a distinctive feature. The platform still holds potential for virality, albeit in a unique form.

Unveiling the Secrets: Navigating Tumblr for Blogging Triumph

As the title implies, this isn't your run-of-the-mill roadmap to Tumblr stardom.

Sure, I could outline the basics: post frequently, emphasize visuals, strike a balance between original and reblogged content, and leverage the queue feature strategically. But let's face it, those are just guidelines. My own path to success didn't unfold by strictly following them.

The reality is, there's no one-size-fits-all formula for replicating my journey, which can be a conundrum for budding Tumblr enthusiasts.

But fear not, I can share some insights. Here's my attempt to unravel the mysterious path to genuine specialty Tumblr popularity:

1. Winning Concept: 

It begins with a captivating idea. You must find something that strikes a chord with people while also setting you apart. In my case, it was the fusion of nostalgia and captivating visuals from 70s sci-fi art. Importantly, I identified a niche that hadn't been fully explored. Remember, your passion for your concept should match the enthusiasm you aim to ignite in your audience.

My Journey to 900,000 Social Media Followers Revealed (Or Not)

2. Digestible Format: 

Clarity is paramount. Your concept should be unmistakable from your URL or the initial post visitors come across. Keywords are your allies in this endeavor. Consider my Tumblr; its specificity played a crucial role in its high ranking in search results. Users should instantly understand the purpose of your Tumblr.

3. Branch Out: 

Spread your presence across multiple social media platforms to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Early on, I expanded to Facebook and Twitter, utilizing tools like IFTTT for seamless integration. As time went on, I incorporated Instagram and Pinterest, leveraging my existing audience to fuel growth elsewhere. Remember, a strong audience can lead to opportunities beyond social media, as seen with my art collection sales.

And there you have it – my advice, albeit somewhat abstract. Combine these principles with the best Tumblr practices you can find, and you've covered your bases. Success isn't guaranteed, but if you have a creative spark and some spare time, why not give it a shot? After all, you don't need a massive following to enjoy managing a quirky Tumblr dedicated to, let's say, rejected newspaper headline puns.