Study Finds ChatGPT Outperforms Humans in Stock Picking

We're at the dawn of the AI era, and its impact, especially through advanced technologies like ChatGPT and other language models, is transforming the financial landscape in unexpected ways.

Recent Study Shows AI Models Outperform Human Analysts in Financial Forecasting

Study Finds ChatGPT Outperforms Humans in Stock Picking

A recent study by University of Chicago business scholars, published in The Financial Times, reveals that large language models can effectively analyze company financial statements and predict earnings with greater accuracy than human analysts' estimates.

Titled "Financial Statement Analysis with Large Language Models," the research investigates whether AI models serve as decision-making tools or merely support mechanisms in financial analysis. Using structured and anonymized financial data from over 15,000 companies, the study provided ChatGPT with prompts mimicking how human analysts process financial information.

The AI-generated economic narratives and earnings predictions showed a 60% accuracy rate, compared to human analysts' 57%. These AI predictions formed the basis for model portfolios that demonstrated significant returns in back-testing.

"Our findings indicate that GPT’s analysis offers valuable insights into company performance, surpassing human analysts in forecasting future earnings," noted the authors. They also emphasized that AI and human analysts complement each other, with AI excelling in scenarios where bias and disagreement among humans may skew results.

Despite the promising capabilities demonstrated by large language models in finance, the authors caution interpreting results too definitively. They acknowledge that while AI exhibits human-like abilities, human analysts still contribute critical contextual insights that machines may overlook.

The implications of these findings are profound for the future of financial analysis, prompting reflection on the evolving role of analysts in decision-making within financial markets.