OpenAI o1 Explained: Why ChatGPT Slowed Down to Get Smarter

OpenAI recently introduced a new model called OpenAI o1, which focuses on improving how well AI can think and reason through complex tasks. Unlike previous models that focused on speed, OpenAI o1 takes longer to respond in order to offer more accurate answers.
Key Points to Know:

  • OpenAI has launched the new OpenAI o1 model with enhanced reasoning abilities.
  • This model takes more time to respond, which allows for deeper thinking.
  • The announcement comes as OpenAI reaches a valuation of $150 billion.
  • OpenAI o1 uses RLF+COF to improve how well it aligns responses.
  • While reactions from experts have been mixed, many are optimistic about its potential.
  • The release of ChatGPT 5 is still in the future.

  • OpenAI o1 Explained: Why ChatGPT Slowed Down to Get Smarter

    Unlike most AI models designed to deliver fast answers, OpenAI o1 is built to slow down and carefully think through each prompt. In a post, OpenAI explained, "We’re releasing OpenAI o1 — a new model series designed to spend more time thinking before responding." These models are better at handling complex problems in science, coding, and math compared to earlier versions.

    Though OpenAI o1 is an interesting development, it might not be what people were hoping for, especially those anticipating the release of ChatGPT 5. With OpenAI now valued at $150 billion, expectations are high, especially in the rapidly evolving AI field.

    Why Slowing Down Helps with Reasoning

    One of the key improvements in OpenAI o1 is its use of reinforcement learning (RL) to refine how it processes information. This model is designed to catch and correct its mistakes without human help. By using Chain of Thought (CoT), OpenAI o1 can think in steps, break down a user’s prompt, and gradually build a thoughtful response. This approach reduces errors and ensures better reasoning without needing as much human oversight.

    OpenAI has also combined inference with CoT, allowing the model to question itself before delivering an answer. While users won’t see the CoT tokens, they help the model work more efficiently in the background.

    OpenAI o1 Explained: Why ChatGPT Slowed Down to Get Smarter

    New OpenAI o1 Model Explained, based on Tom Yeh’s great LinkedIn explainer.

    OpenAI Keeps Moving Forward

    Although OpenAI hasn’t launched a major release like ChatGPT 5 yet, it continues to stay in the news with smaller releases like GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4V, and now OpenAI o1. OpenAI o1 stands out for its ability to solve complex problems in areas like math, science, and coding.

    As Sandi Besen, an AI researcher, pointed out, OpenAI is focusing on improving one of the key weaknesses of language models—reasoning. OpenAI claims that o1 performs similarly to PhD students on difficult tasks in physics, chemistry, and biology, and it outperformed previous models in solving math problems.

    For instance, in a test for the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), OpenAI o1 correctly solved 83% of the problems, while a previous version solved just 13%.

    Why OpenAI o1 Isn't a Game-Changer (Yet)

    While OpenAI o1 is an interesting development, it may not be as revolutionary as some were hoping. The model is slow when dealing with complex questions, and users can’t see the CoT tokens, which limits transparency in how the model thinks. Even OpenAI CEO Sam Altman downplayed expectations, saying, "O1 is still flawed, still limited, and more impressive on first use than after spending more time with it."

    There are also some limitations in OpenAI o1 that could be deal-breakers for some users. It doesn’t yet support key features like web browsing or uploading files and images, which are common in other AI tools.

    Expert Opinions on OpenAI o1

    Reactions to OpenAI o1 have been mostly positive, though some experts are less enthusiastic. Sean Ran, CEO of Sahara AI, said, "I’m not that excited. It’s still the same principle of using reward-based learning on large data sets."

    Others, like Alon Yamin, CEO of Copyleaks, view the release as a milestone in AI development, especially in the areas of science and coding. Yamin noted that OpenAI o1’s ability to evaluate each step before moving forward is a significant advancement.

    Despite mixed reactions, OpenAI o1 shows that there are new approaches to training AI that could greatly enhance its reasoning capabilities in the future.

    Bottom Line

    OpenAI o1 may not have lived up to the hype of its codename "Project Strawberry," but it’s still an important step forward. While it’s not the big release some users were expecting, it offers a glimpse into how AI reasoning could evolve in the coming years. OpenAI is clearly experimenting with new methods and inviting the public to try them out.

    OpenAI o1 might not change everything right now, but it raises interesting questions about where AI is headed next.