How to Prompt the New ChatGPT: Simple Tips from OpenAI|Complete Guide

The newest version of ChatGPT, called OpenAI o1, is a big step forward in AI. It doesn't just give quick answers—it takes its time, thinks things through, and responds more thoughtfully, like a friend who carefully considers what to say. OpenAI says this new process helps ChatGPT give better, more well-thought-out answers. For business owners and entrepreneurs, this upgrade can make a real difference.

How to Prompt the New ChatGPT: Simple Tips from OpenAI|Complete Guide

Here’s how to get the best results from the new ChatGPT, based on advice from OpenAI:

Keep Prompts Simple

Forget about the formal writing rules you learned in school. With the new ChatGPT, clarity is key. Long, complicated instructions aren't necessary. The model works best with short and clear prompts.

For example, instead of saying, "Can you generate a list of 20 potential product names for a new eco-friendly water bottle, considering factors such as environmental impact, target demographic, and current market trends?" you could say, "Give me 5 catchy names for an eco water bottle." ChatGPT will figure out the rest. Like a person, it can understand the context and fill in the blanks.

Let ChatGPT Think for Itself

Think of it this way: when you hire a senior team member, you don’t micromanage them. You trust them to figure things out. The same goes for ChatGPT o1. You don't have to tell it to “think step by step” or “explain your reasoning.” The new model already handles that on its own.

Just ask your question and let it do the work. It might take a bit longer to respond because it’s thinking, but that's a good thing—it's making sure the answer is right.

How to Prompt the New ChatGPT: Simple Tips from OpenAI|Complete Guide

Break Down Instructions

When you give someone instructions, you usually split them up to make things easier to follow. You do the same with ChatGPT. Use section titles, bullet points, or even symbols like triple quotes to separate your instructions. This helps ChatGPT know what each part of your request is, so it doesn’t get mixed up.

You can use anything from headers to dashes or numbered sections to organize your prompt. This keeps things clear and helps the model understand exactly what you want.

Don’t Overload It

If you give someone too much information all at once, they can get overwhelmed. It’s the same with ChatGPT. You don’t need to dump all your data into one prompt. Just give the most important details, and ChatGPT will handle the rest.

OpenAI advises against overloading the model with too much information, as it can lead to overthinking and slower responses. Focus on what’s most relevant for the task at hand, and keep it simple.

How to Get the Best Results from ChatGPT

With these updates, you’ll need to rethink how you use ChatGPT. It’s not about creating the perfect, lengthy prompt anymore. The best way to get accurate, fast answers is by asking clear, specific questions.

OpenAI emphasizes that you should trust the model to understand context and generate relevant responses without needing a ton of guidance.

As technology keeps evolving, it’s important to keep learning. By following these four simple tips, you can get the most out of the new ChatGPT.