5 Best ChatGPT Prompts to Build Your Personal Brand (As a Coach in 2024)

The world is changing fast, and if you're a coach or consultant, simply being good at your job isn't enough anymore. You need to stand out, to make your voice heard, and to show people what makes you unique. It's not just about doing the work—it's about sharing your journey, your insights, and your expertise. The next level of your success depends on building a personal brand that’s true to who you are.

5 Best ChatGPT Prompts to Build Your Personal Brand (As a Coach in 2024)

Whether you're a life coach, business consultant, or fitness expert, having a solid personal brand is crucial. To help you on that journey, these experienced coaches and consultants have shared exactly how they did it—and now it’s your turn to take action.

Use these ChatGPT prompts to get started. Just copy, paste, and edit to make them your own, and keep the conversation going. Your brand is about to get a powerful boost.

ChatGPT Prompts for Success: Build a Strong Personal Brand

Be More You

The biggest mistake you can make is trying to be what you think people want. The truth? People connect with authenticity. Coach Carrie Eddins embraced this when she branded herself as "The Blondepreneur." She’s playful with her brand, and yes, it's a little bold. "People notice me because of it," Carrie says, even though some mentors thought it wasn’t "professional." But guess what? It works. Her fun, unique vibe attracts the right clients—people who get her.

Elayna Fernández, aka the Positive MOM, agrees. "Building a personal brand that reflects who I really am has attracted clients who respect my work, are easy to coach, and refer me to others." Isn’t that what every coach wants? Clients who connect with your true self. Here’s a prompt to help you align your personal brand with who you are.


"I want my personal brand to reflect who I really am. Help me identify five unique aspects of my personality or approach that I can incorporate into my brand by asking me questions one by one. Once we’ve nailed down these five aspects, suggest ways to showcase each one in my marketing or client interactions."

Share Non-Stop

You know a lot, and people need to hear it. Sharing your expertise consistently online shows people that you’re the real deal. Laura Haleydt, founder of Elsynergy, gets it. She started showing up on Instagram with organic content, and four years later, she grew her following to 100,000 and built a $2 million business. She kept experimenting, figuring out what worked, and sharing more of it.

And Laura didn’t stop. She now teaches others how to replicate her success by being intentional with what they share. The key is consistency—keeping yourself on people’s minds. Want to create your own content strategy? Here’s a prompt for that.


"I want to create a content strategy that showcases my expertise as a [describe your profession]. Suggest five types of content I could create regularly (e.g., social media posts, videos, blogs) to engage my target audience. For each content type, give me three topic ideas that would resonate with them. Then ask me which content format excites me the most and help me develop it further."

Choose Strong Visuals

People remember what they see. A memorable visual brand can make all the difference. Holly Wood, "The Flourish Mentor," is known for her brand color—lilac. It’s become a signature, and people instantly recognize her because of it. Similarly, creative writing coach Ilaria Mangiardi has made her mark with a logo of a hand holding a pen. "People say, 'Oh, you're the coach with the writing hand logo!'"

Colors, logos—these things stick with people. If you want to stand out, nailing your visual vibe is key. Here's a prompt to help you create your own unique look.


"I want to create a unique visual identity for my personal brand. Help me brainstorm five visual elements I could use consistently across my marketing (e.g., color schemes, logos, typography). For each element, suggest how it can reflect my personality or coaching style."

Maximize Your Background

Your life story is gold—don’t underestimate it. Sharing your personal journey can set you apart from other coaches, especially if your clients are similar to theirs. Nandita Godbole, from Curry Cravings, turned her unique background from landscape architect to author to consultant into her brand’s strength. She embraces the fact that she took an unconventional path and makes sure people know it. "I built my niche without a traditional pedigree," she says, and now she’s a go-to expert in her field.

Even if you haven’t shifted between industries, your experiences can make you stand out. Want to weave your background into your brand? Try this prompt.


"I want to bring more of my background into my personal brand. Ask me questions about my past, and help me identify five key experiences or skills that could be relevant to my coaching work. For each one, suggest ways to integrate it into my brand story or services."

Build Familiarity Before You Meet People

Before anyone works with you, they’re going to check you out online. That’s a fact in 2024. Make sure you make an impression. “All my clients find me through Instagram,” Laura Haleydt says. They watch her content for months, learn from her, and trust her before they even consider investing in her courses or coaching.

The lesson here? Your online presence is crucial to building trust. It’s how you get people to know, like, and believe in you before they ever reach out. Here’s a prompt to help you get started.


"I want to improve my online presence to strengthen my personal brand. Suggest five online platforms or tools I can use to showcase my expertise and connect with potential clients who match [describe them here]. For each platform, provide a specific strategy for using it effectively."

Grow Your Coaching Practice with a Strong Personal Brand and ChatGPT

Remember, your personal brand is more than just a tagline or LinkedIn bio. It’s how people see you, your work, and the value you bring. Be yourself, share what you know, create strong visuals, tell your story, and build trust before you ever meet a client. It takes effort, but building a strong personal brand is worth it. The right clients will find you, and opportunities you never imagined will open up.

Start now, and let your brand do the talking.