What is an Enterprise Copilot? Complete Guide

What is an Enterprise Copilot?

An enterprise copilot uses conversational AI to support employees across various channels, systems, and knowledge repositories within an organization's tech stack. The term "copilot" suggests how these AI assistants guide employees throughout their workday, directing them to important information and tasks that need their attention.

What is an Enterprise Copilot? Complete Guide

The Rise of the Copilot

In recent years, the term copilot has gained popularity, especially as a customized tool offered by major software companies. Copilots come in different forms and sizes, all aiming to enhance the employee experience.

Digital Assistant Technology for the Enterprise

Enterprise AI copilots fall under the "digital assistant" category, but unlike traditional digital assistants, they offer a smarter approach to the digital workplace. While older digital assistants relied on basic chatbot features, AI-powered copilots incorporate advanced technologies like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to handle more complex queries.

Key Features of Enterprise Copilots

1. Improved Knowledge Discovery

  • Conversational AI aids in knowledge discovery by providing a centralized source of information. It uses advanced technology to consolidate, search, and surface responses based on natural language cues. Technologies like RAG augment prompts with contextual data, enabling the generation of accurate and up-to-date answers. AI assistants efficiently collect and analyze information from various sources, including system APIs, knowledge repositories, and documents.

2. Streamlined Tasks

  • Copilots streamline processes for tasks such as submitting timesheets and completing expense approvals. They can also be used for generative AI, allowing employees to create content and gather insights within a safe AI environment. This enhances the employee experience by speeding up ticket resolution through self-service options and reducing ticket handling time.

3. Reduced Context Switching

  • Frequent switching between tabs and apps can hinder productivity and cause frustration. AI copilots mitigate this issue by consolidating apps, notifications, tasks, and information into a single interface, reducing the need for constant context switching.

4. Guided Attention

    • Copilots increase efficiency by integrating business applications and centralizing tasks and notifications that are usually spread across multiple systems. This unified conversational interface proactively guides employees to areas requiring immediate attention, such as approvals, system alerts, and corporate communications.

Benefits of an Enterprise Copilot

For digital workplace leaders, an enterprise copilot offers several advantages:

  • Improved knowledge discovery
  • Streamlined tasks
  • Reduced context switching
  • Guided attention

How to Find the Best AI Copilot for Your Organization

1. Ease of Deployment & Scalability

  • The ideal enterprise copilot should meet current needs and be capable of scaling with the company. Look for low/no-code platforms that allow easy implementation of various use cases with minimal configuration. Ensure the platform can adapt to changing business requirements and technology replacements, offering flexibility in deployment, customization, and scalability.

2. Security & Data Management

  • Security is crucial in today's data-driven world. Choose a copilot that adheres to strict security and privacy standards, complies with relevant regulations, and protects sensitive or proprietary information. The option to bring your own LLM for added data protection is a plus.

3. Ubiquitous Channel Offerings

    • Find a copilot that offers a universal solution across the organization, connecting systems, applications, and services regardless of department or job role. The assistant should be customizable to employee personas and work styles, reaching across all back-end applications and multiple AI services. This reduces app hopping for employees and provides a single platform for developers.

Bringing an AI Copilot to Your Digital Workplace

As workplaces embrace AI-forward technology, it's crucial to invest in secure, scalable systems that add value to existing applications. Implementing an enterprise AI copilot empowers employees with solutions that enhance productivity and overall employee experience.