New AI Translation Tool Outperforms ChatGPT and Google Translate

DeepL has unveiled its latest LLM translator, claiming it surpasses big tech competitors in translation quality. This German startup proudly asserts that "blind tests show that language experts routinely favor DeepL’s translations." In these tests, DeepL was preferred 1.3 times more often than Google Translate, 1.7 times more often than ChatGPT-4, and an astonishing 2.3 times more often than Microsoft’s tool.

New AI Translation Tool Outperforms ChatGPT and Google Translate

Superior Translation Quality

DeepL boasts that its latest translator offers a superior user experience, requiring fewer edits compared to its rivals. Professional translators found that Google Translate needs twice as many edits, and ChatGPT-4 needs three times as many edits to achieve the same quality. This claim is backed by rigorous testing and the expertise of thousands of hand-picked language specialists.

Specialized Training Models

DeepL emphasizes the use of proprietary data to train its LLMs, rather than relying on internet-sourced data. This specialized approach and expert tweaking result in more human-like translations, reducing the chances of hallucinations and misinformation. DeepL promises significant time and cost savings for enterprises, supported by a 2024 Forrester report stating that the classic model reduced translation time by 90% and translation workloads by 50%, delivering a 345% return on investment. The new model shows a 1.7x improvement in English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese translations, and a 1.4x improvement between English and German.

Security and Compliance

Addressing security concerns, DeepL's new tool is ISO 27001 certified and GDPR compliant, ensuring users' data is protected.

Limited Access for Pro Users

Currently, access to the new model is restricted to DeepL’s Pro users, who can translate between Japanese, German, Simplified Chinese, and English. Although the current language options are limited, DeepL plans to expand its language offerings to compete with Google and Microsoft.

A Transformative Year

Since launching its Translate tool in 2017, DeepL has been on a rapid ascent. In May, the company secured a $300 million investment, marking what CEO and Founder Jarek Kutylowski described as the company’s "...most transformative year to date." He added, "This brings us closer to a future where all companies, wherever they are, can easily operate on a global scale with the help of our AI." DeepL also achieved a $2 billion valuation.

As users begin to experiment with DeepL's new translator, feedback on its accuracy and performance will be crucial. However, this small venture is already making significant strides, outperforming major players in the AI translation space.