How to Spot and Avoid the Top 4 AI Scams in 2024

AI Scams to Watch Out for in 2024

With AI scams like deepfakes and voice cloning on the rise, people are increasingly concerned about their personal and financial security.

The AI era has revolutionized the online world. From AI-generated content on social media to AI chatbots in business software, technology is advancing rapidly. However, these advancements come with serious risks. Scammers have quickly adopted AI, creating new forms of internet fraud to be wary of.

In this guide, you'll learn about the newest AI-powered scams and tips to avoid them.

How to Spot and Avoid the Top 4 AI Scams in 2024

AI Scams in 2024

Scams are notably increasing in 2024, making it crucial to understand the threats to protect yourself online. Here are some common AI scams to watch out for:

  • Deepfakes
  • Voice Cloning
  • Phishing Scams
  • Listing Scams

Deepfake Scams

Deepfake technology creates realistic videos of people, often used for scams and misinformation. Improved AI has made these deepfakes more convincing, leading to troublingly accurate portrayals online. For example, a deepfake video of Taylor Swift offering free kitchenware was used to steal personal and financial information.

Voice Cloning Scams

Voice cloning replicates someone's voice, typically a loved one, to scam people. AI has made voice replication highly accurate, making it hard to distinguish between the real and fake. Common scams include emergency calls from family members asking for money.

Phishing Scams

Phishing scams trick you into providing personal or financial information through fake emails or messages. AI has made these scams more sophisticated and harder to spot. For instance, a fake UPS message might ask for your details to release a delayed package.

Listing Scams

AI-generated listings for goods, cars, or homes are becoming more prevalent. Scammers create realistic ads, often asking for money upfront. AI can generate convincing property documents, making these scams hard to detect. Job listing scams have also risen, with AI creating realistic company websites and fake interviews.

How to Avoid AI Scams

Understanding the types of scams is the first step to protection. Here are some additional tips:

  • Always confirm – Verify the source of information through a Google search or a call to a loved one.
  • Be careful what you post – Scammers use social media data to target individuals or train models on your voice.
  • Report the scam – Reporting helps authorities prevent future scams.

Be skeptical when providing financial information or personal data online or on the phone. AI makes these scams more convincing, so a healthy dose of skepticism can help keep you safe.