From Scoring to Surveillance: Top Best 7 Ways 2024 Will Be The First AI Olympics

In a few days, France will host the 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony, marking the beginning of a historic event. This year, the Olympics will be different from any previous Games due to the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) new AI Agenda. This initiative aims to integrate AI into various aspects of the Games, bringing in a new era of efficiency and accuracy. Here’s a look at how AI will be transforming the Olympics in 2024.

From Scoring to Surveillance: Top Best 7 Ways 2024 Will Be The First AI Olympics

What Is the Olympic AI Agenda?

The AI landscape has evolved significantly since the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. To stay ahead, the IOC launched the Olympic AI Agenda, its most ambitious technological plan to date. This initiative reimagines the application of AI in sports, focusing on responsible leadership and preserving Olympic values. Introduced in April this year, the agenda aims to identify the risks and benefits of AI in sports and will be implemented in several key areas, from training to broadcasting.

Top Best 7 Ways AI Is Being Used To Transform the Olympics

1. Training

AI is revolutionizing how athletes prepare for competition. Advanced AI algorithms analyze techniques, improve training regimens, and minimize injuries. These data-driven insights help create personalized training routines and even simulate training partners. For instance, Indian table tennis player Sathiyan Gnanasekaran has trained with an AI robot that generates speeds and spins beyond human capability, enhancing his skills significantly.

2. Judging

AI’s role in judging will be more prominent in the 2024 Olympics. The technology can analyze performance details that are too intricate for the human eye, ensuring more accurate judging. Gymnastics, in particular, will benefit from the Judging Support System (JSS) developed by Fujitsu, which evaluates gymnasts' movements based on the sport's rule book. This system, used successfully at recent world championships, will debut at the Olympics, providing more confidence in the results for both competitors and fans.

3. Surveillance

To enhance security, AI-powered surveillance systems will monitor the 2024 Olympics. AI cameras will automatically detect potential security threats, such as crowd surges, weapons, fires, and abandoned objects, and alert security personnel to take necessary actions. This technology was approved by French law in March 2023 specifically for large-scale events like the Olympics.

4. Social Media

The IOC has introduced an AI-powered monitoring system to protect athletes from online abuse. This system monitors social media accounts and flags abusive messages to the relevant platforms. Additionally, the IOC’s Intel-powered Athlete365 platform uses an AI chatbot to provide athletes with quick answers to frequently asked questions about social media guidelines, regulations, anti-doping rules, and more.

5. Energy Management

AI is helping make the Paris Olympics more energy-efficient. Real-time monitoring using digital-twin technology will manage energy usage, optimize camera placements, and address accessibility issues. The IOC has been gathering operational data since 2020 to ensure efficient energy management during the Games.

6. Broadcasting Recaps

AI will enhance the Olympic viewing experience by generating tailored highlight reels. Intel’s Automatic Highlights Generation system compiles key moments from sports events, customized for different media outlets. NBC’s Peacock service will use AI to recreate the voice of sports broadcaster Al Michaels for daily personalized highlight playlists, enhancing coverage for viewers.

7. Timekeeping

The Olympic Broadcasting Ceremony (OBS) and Omega, a Swiss luxury watchmaker, will use AI to improve timekeeping accuracy. AI will conduct intelligent stroboscopic analysis across various sports, helping viewers understand athletes' movements and biomechanics better. This system will also improve reporting accuracy, allowing commentators to track athletes’ positions more precisely.


The 2024 Paris Olympics will be a landmark event, showcasing how AI can revolutionize sports. From enhancing athlete training and judging accuracy to improving security and broadcasting, the Olympic AI Agenda is set to transform the Games, making them more efficient and engaging for all involved.