China Surpasses US in Workplace AI Adoption, Study Finds

Although China leads the US in AI usage, the study reveals it's slower to fully implement the technology.

A recent study reveals that organizations in China are using generative AI (GenAI) more than those in the US, with 83% of Chinese business decision-makers adopting the technology compared to 65% in the US. This places the US behind the UK but ahead of Australia.

However, the US leads in fully implementing GenAI, with 24% of business leaders having fully integrated it into their operations, compared to 19% in China. This suggests that the depth of implementation might be a better predictor of future success. Stephen Saw, Managing Director for Coleman Parks, noted, “Higher adoption doesn’t necessarily equate to effective implementation or better returns.”

China Surpasses US in Workplace AI Adoption, Study Finds

AI is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

A recent SAS study on global AI adoption in the workplace surveyed 1,600 decision-makers across various industries and key markets.

Bryan Harris, Executive Vice President at SAS, emphasized the need for companies to distinguish between "hype and reality" and to focus on "purposefully implementing and delivering repeatable and trusted business results." Given the ethical concerns surrounding AI, such as data privacy, a cautious approach is advisable.

In terms of full implementation, North America (including the US and Canada) leads with 20%. The APAC region (including China, Australia, and Japan) is not far behind, with 10% of companies fully integrating AI into their daily operations.

Challenges in Implementing GenAI for Businesses

Global business leaders have identified three main obstacles to effectively using generative AI (GenAI):

1. Lack of a Clear Strategy: Nine out of ten senior technology decision-makers don’t fully understand how GenAI impacts business processes.

2. Insufficient Data: There isn’t enough data to train large language models (LLMs), such as OpenAI’s upcoming ChatGPT-5.

3. AI Regulation: Only a third of companies feel prepared to comply with incoming regulations, and just 5% have a reliable system to address bias and privacy concerns.

These issues highlight significant strategy and knowledge gaps, with crucial information not reaching senior decision-makers. Despite these challenges, early adopters of GenAI have reported significant benefits.

Benefits of Generative AI (GenAI)

A study by the SAS Institute highlights the real-world advantages of generative AI. Companies using AI saw reduced operational costs and improved satisfaction levels among both employees and customers.

Among those using GenAI, 89% reported an “improved employee experience.” Additionally, 82% noted higher “customer retention.”

Research by J.P. Morgan also emphasized the competitive advantages of preparing for GenAI, citing benefits such as:

  • Reduced costs and time for content creation

  • Increased productivity and profitability

  • Enhanced innovation and improved business models

They predicted that GenAI could lead to a significant productivity boost in the workplace over the next one to three years, potentially adding $7-10 trillion to the global GDP.