AI and the Future of Productivity at Work: 2024 Statistics

Explore our unique perspectives on the transformative impact of AI and other pivotal technologies reshaping workplace efficiency.

Labor productivity serves as a cornerstone of the US economy, a metric closely scrutinized by business leaders to gauge their operational longevity and the viability of investing in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence.

At, we maintain an ongoing curiosity about how technology empowers individuals to work more efficiently, with workplace productivity ranking high on our list of metrics for assessing its impact. Rather than passively awaiting insights, we've launched our inaugural annual report delving into this subject. Drawing from the perspectives of over 1,000 business leaders, the report offers a comprehensive overview of organizational health and the contributing factors to success.

Download the free "Impact of Technology on the Workplace 2024 Report" from for detailed insights.

Alternatively, we've distilled some key workplace productivity statistics below, focusing particularly on emerging trends like AI and other innovative technologies. Dive into these findings to uncover how leveraging the right tech can redefine productivity within your organization.

AI and the Future of Productivity at Work: 2024 Statistics

Key Workplace Productivity Statistics

Vital Insights on Workplace Productivity
In's 2024 Impact of Tech on the Workplace report, we've uncovered a trove of novel productivity statistics never seen before. Below, we present the key discoveries, elaborating on each in detail:

1. 56% of companies indicate elevated productivity levels.

2. 72% of participants utilizing AI extensively report heightened organizational productivity.

3. 80% of enterprises employing seven collaboration tools report enhanced organizational productivity.

4. 46% of business executives foresee communication technology significantly influencing performance in 2024.

Unveiling Workplace Productivity: A Comprehensive Exploration

Simply put, productivity in the workplace is calculated as the value generated by an organization divided by the labor expenses needed to generate it. This metric is extensively tracked across various industries in the United States, showing a modest overall growth rate of 1.4% between 2005 and 2023. In our survey, productivity was defined by the respondents themselves, comprising senior leadership professionals based in the US, encompassing diverse job titles such as managers, directors, and beyond.

Unveiling Workplace Efficiency: 2024's Essential Discoveries

Improving productivity isn't synonymous with pushing employees to work harder or longer hours; in fact, such pressure can backfire, creating a more stressful environment. Before delving into how technologies like ChatGPT or collaboration tools can assist, it's crucial to gauge the current industry sentiment.

1. Slightly over half of businesses (56%) report elevated productivity levels.

Encouragingly, the majority of business leaders express confidence in their organization's productivity, with 56% stating it's high. This figure encompasses responses ranging from 40% reporting "high" productivity to an additional 16% indicating "very high" productivity.

However, these figures alone don't suffice. We conducted a deeper analysis to uncover potential correlations between technology usage and high productivity. Beginning with the most cutting-edge technology: AI.

AI Productivity

Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT sparked widespread curiosity across industries regarding the workplace advantages of artificial intelligence, fueling ongoing discussions about its potential.

Yet, a significant question lingers: Does AI truly deliver on its promises? After all, the buzz surrounding technology doesn't always translate into enduring or entirely positive outcomes.

2. 72% of respondents who extensively utilize AI report heightened organizational productivity, compared to 55% of those with limited AI usage.

In our survey analysis, we segmented responses into categories, distinguishing between business leaders who extensively utilized AI and those with limited exposure. Among companies leveraging AI extensively, 72% reported elevated productivity, compared to 55% among those with limited AI integration—a still commendable figure.

Which AI platform emerged as the frontrunner? ChatGPT led the pack, with 65% of businesses employing this specific generative chatbot.

Overall, our report indicates that AI efficiencies could potentially pave the way for a 4-day workweek—an intriguing revelation from this year's inaugural report.

Effective Collaboration

The correlation between the number of collaboration tools used and organizational productivity is strikingly consistent across the 1,047 responses we analyzed. Our findings reveal two key statistics underscoring the advantages of leveraging multiple collaboration tools for organizations:

3. 80% of businesses utilizing 7 collaboration tools reported heightened organizational productivity.

A remarkable four out of five respondents reporting high productivity levels attributed their success to the use of seven distinct collaboration tools.

Seven emerged as the pinnacle among the tool count options we presented, with 80% representing the highest concentration of high-performing organizations. The popularity of six and five tools further underscores the benefits of leveraging a multitude of collaboration tools. It appears that in the realm of business collaboration technology, more tools don't necessarily spoil the broth.

4. Merely 46% of respondents employing 1 collaboration tool reported elevated organizational productivity.

Our survey indicates that high-productivity organizations tend to avoid limiting themselves to just a few collaboration tools. Only 46% of these respondents utilized a single collaboration tool, with 36% opting for none at all. This reversal of our earlier statistic underscores the reluctance of high-performing companies to restrict themselves to minimal collaboration software.

Collectively, these statistics emphasize that the most impactful technological changes a company can make in 2024 are also the simplest. Further investment in team collaboration tools emerges as a statistically promising approach to extracting greater value from existing resources.

Collaboration Tools Trump Communication Tools

Surprisingly, collaboration tools exhibit a stronger correlation with organizational productivity than communication tools. In our survey, when compared to communication tools, more highly productive organizations reported utilizing collaboration tools.

5. Only 32% of companies employing 1 communication tool reported elevated organizational productivity.

As mentioned earlier, while 46% of companies utilizing a single collaboration tool reported high organizational productivity, a mere 32% of the same companies relied solely on a communication tool.

This suggests that a single collaboration tool promotes more effective teamwork in successful organizations than a single communication tool. Nonetheless, the most productive companies benefit even further from incorporating additional tools. Nevertheless, business leaders continue to prioritize communication tools, as underscored by our next statistic.

Business Performance

Business leaders anticipate that communication technology will exert the most significant influence on company performance in 2024. In our survey, encompassing a range of technologies from AI and 5G to virtual and augmented reality, communication technology emerged as the top choice.

6. 46% of business leaders anticipate communication technology will have a "highly significant" impact on performance in 2024.

This 46% includes responses falling within the "high" or "very high" categories.

Moreover, when queried about the technology least likely to impact their operations, respondents reaffirmed the significance of communication tools. Only 11% foresaw communication-related technology having a "very low effect" on their operations in 2024.

Refer to the complete chart for a comprehensive view of all the technologies surveyed, along with the proportion of business leaders expecting significant impacts from each moving forward.

The Future of Workplace Productivity

These statistics offer valuable insights. Firstly, prioritize fundamental elements for productivity enhancement. Ensure seamless collaboration and communication within your team, across various departments within your organization, and externally with clients or customers. Additionally, consider investing in AI to augment productivity levels. Lastly, our comprehensive report highlights the significance of other critical factors such as remote working options, which not only correlate with heightened productivity but also facilitate smoother staff recruitment processes.