Best 7 ways to use Generative AI in PPC|Complete Guide

Here are some hands-on strategies for integrating generative AI into your PPC copywriting, keyword research, account structuring, and audience analysis.

Google stands at the forefront of AI-powered advertising, leveraging machine learning seamlessly within various ad campaigns and formats. Attempting manual solutions often leads to compromised outcomes, highlighting the necessity of AI-driven algorithms.

When lacking AI support for PPC bidding and creative choices, conversion rates generally fall behind those benefiting from machine learning tactics.

The landscape of ad campaigns and search engine results pages (SERPs) is evolving rapidly with Google's introduction of the Search Generative Experience. Below, we'll explore actionable strategies to harness the potential of generative AI, keeping your business or PPC clients at the forefront of innovation.

Best 7 ways to use Generative AI in PPC|Complete Guide

Best Practices for using Generative AI

While AI plays a crucial role, achieving success in advertising demands a delicate equilibrium between human oversight and automated decision-making. Surrendering complete control to AI can steer campaigns towards irrelevant search queries and lower-quality traffic.

To excel in automation, marketers must provide initial direction. It's vital to maintain alignment between campaigns, brand guidelines, and objectives while leveraging the efficiencies of machine learning.

Utilizing generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Microsoft Co-Pilot can spark innovative marketing campaign concepts. However, it's essential to establish guardrails to ensure these tools align with your strategic vision and brand identity.

Never use AI for the final product

Recently, during my team's hiring process, I incorporated a unique question: 

“What is the most intriguing aspect about you that isn’t mentioned on your resume?” 

Repetitively, the recruiting team came across candidates responding similarly (albeit with slight variations):

“The most fascinating thing about me not on my resume is my passion for astrophotography. I adore capturing the enchanting night sky and sharing its beauty with others, blending my love for photography with a profound interest in the universe.”

While leveraging generative AI for inspiration or initial concepts can save time, these tools often yield uniform outcomes. In advertising, it's crucial for your brand to distinguish itself from competitors.

Ensure that all copy, content, and designs undergo meticulous human scrutiny to avoid coming across as generic. Refrain from using AI to duplicate copyrighted material to safeguard your brand from ending up on a list of AI mishaps.

Use detailed Prompts

Getting valuable output from generative AI relies heavily on crafting detailed prompts. The effectiveness of AI correlates directly with the quality of information you input, and refining prompts often requires several iterations to achieve optimal results.

Observe the evolution of these prompts below to witness how each iteration progresses towards generating ad copy suitable for platforms:

1. Initial prompt: The generated content resembles more of a landing page or email copy rather than suitable for search ads.

2. Improved prompt: This iteration still feels generic, and the call-to-action (CTA) doesn’t align with the campaign's objectives.

3. Progressing prompt: The results are getting better, yet further iterations are necessary to maximize the number of headlines and descriptions for responsive search ads, fully leveraging the potential of AI.

4. Revised prompt: The generated headlines exceed Google's character length requirements.

5. Refined prompt: The generated copy lacks ad group keywords, which could adversely impact ad performance.

6. Enhanced prompt: Redundant CTAs and excessive exclamation points detract from the copy's effectiveness, lacking the necessary variety to engage users effectively.

After refining the prompts with additional details, the AI produces ad copy ready for deployment on platforms.

The final step involves meticulously reviewing the generated copy, ensuring the inclusion of the brand name in headlines, and aligning the messaging with the brand before implementing the ads in Google Ads.

Consider incorporating the following details into your prompts for further customization:

  • Include a link to the landing page.

  • Specify company or brand details (name, industry, etc.).

  • Provide audience specifics (job titles, company size, demographic information, etc.).

  • Define the desired brand tone of voice for the generated content.

Best 7 Ways to use Generative AI in Search Advertising

Consider these seven effective ways to leverage generative AI tools in search advertising, emphasizing the importance of crafting detailed prompts:

1. Crafting Compelling Copy:
Utilize AI to generate ad copy similar to the example provided, tailored for landing pages. Start with prompts that include the audience, product, and offer. Human intervention is key to refining the copy by incorporating more keywords and aligning it with brand messaging.

2. Enhancing Keyword Research:
While Google Keyword Planner is useful, its results may lack context relevance to your brand. Use diverse research methods alongside AI prompts that include specific topics and competitor landing pages to ensure better keyword-to-audience alignment.

3. Structuring Account Organization:
For setting up new accounts or restructuring existing ones, use prompts detailing industry, goals, focus topics, and suggested campaign structures. This approach helps layout campaigns and ad groups efficiently, with the added benefit of keyword suggestions from tools like ChatGPT.

4. Generating Unique Content:
Amidst competitive messaging, generate content that resonates by incorporating audience specifics such as job titles, company size, industry, and campaign themes (e.g., tax season challenges). Include audience pain points, preferences, and dislikes to enhance AI-generated content.

5. Validating Language Translations:
While AI aids in translation, always have a native speaker review output for accuracy and context. AI lacks nuanced understanding, so human oversight is crucial to ensure translations align with intended meaning.

6. Deepening Audience Insights:
While survey tools like MRI-Simmons offer real audience insights, AI can complement by generating media plans based on audience pain points and job-related challenges. Align messaging with these insights to enhance relevance and click-through rates.

7. Targeting Display Placements:
Use AI prompts to identify where your audience spends time online, refining Google Display Network (GDN) investments towards industry-specific sites. This approach enriches audience targeting for improved campaign performance.

By implementing these strategies and refining prompts with specific details, you can maximize the potential of generative AI tools in search advertising while ensuring alignment with brand objectives and audience preferences.

Using Generative AI in PPC

Generative AI represents a transformative tool that offers significant time savings. However, it's crucial not to solely depend on it for the final output. Instead, collaborate with machine learning, providing human guidance to steer towards optimal results that enhance your brand's performance.